Cimmaron Team wins Alpirush 4-day stage race in France

Well done to Keith Johnson and his team for winning his class in the Alpirush 4 day stage race in France - running against teams from France, Spain, Switzerland and the UK.

Keith had never competed in this race before and of course it was very different in that he was not used to being on a sled - rather than a dryland rig.  In fact it has been over 2 years since Keith was last on a sled! 

The different stages of this race are quite tough, very hilly in some places so Keith had very successfully taken this into consideration in his pre race training with the dogs.  In fact, the dogs performed so exceptionally well that they finished the race over 4 minutes ahead of their nearest competitor!

This winning margin is even more surprising when you learn that
Keith had taken it much slower on the last day as the weather had gotten milder, bringing rain and soft snow which made the dogs fall through and could have resulted in injury.  However, Keith knew he had a good time gap and was happy to take it easy.

Obviously following this great result there were lots of people asking about the dogs, etc after the final results were issued. 

CSJ is very proud to be associated with Keith, Mandie and their wonderful Cimmaron Kennel and like to feel we have played some small part in their tremendous success through our Command Performance 30 food and the Go On! herbs!

Hopefully there will be some photographs to follow...


(posted: Tuesday, September 1, 2009)

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