Nutrition Quiz

Test your knowledge and take our nutrition quiz. Each question has 4 options. Do you know which one is the correct answer? Click the reveal answer to find out.

What should you look for in a dog food to help your dog function best?

  1. Vitamins and minerals
  2. The correct balance of nutrients and energy
  3. Protein and fats
  4. Carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

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  1. A dog needs essential nutrients from protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
  2. It’s important that the nutrients and energy are fed in the correct amounts and in balance with each other.
  3. Dogs need a proper, balanced diet from protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and water.
  4. A dog needs more than just carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals; also needs essential nutrients from protein, fats and water.

How do you ensure your dog is getting the best diet?

  1. They’re all the same - look for the best deal
  2. What you put in is what you get out
  3. Check the amount of protein and go for the highest concentrate
  4. Ask amongst your friends

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  1. It’s important to learn how to choose the right diet for each dog
  2. It’s important to learn how to choose the right diet for each dog
  3. Too much protein will not get the best out of your dog. It’s important that essential nutrients and energy are in balance with each other
  4. You need to gain a basic understanding of dog nutrition that’s relevant for your particular dog

Is your dog naturally a carnivore?

  1. Yes and an omnivore
  2. Carnivore and Herbivore
  3. Vegetarian
  4. All dogs are carnivores

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  1. Your dog is a carnivorous-omnivore, with a digestive and dental structure that can consume and digest plant and animal material
  2. Your dog’s digestive system can cope with meat, plants, skin and fur
  3. Your dog’s digestive system is designed to cope with meat
  4. Dogs are primarily carnivores, but they are omnivores too

How do you work out what nutrients do you need?

  1. Ask other dog owners
  2. Depends what's available
  3. Give your dog what he wants
  4. Understand your dog's individual requirements

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  1. Everyone has different opinions, based on experience. Listen to scientific research based on fact
  2. Make sure you plan ahead, so you only feed your dog what's good for him
  3. If you give your dog what he wants, there's a real risk of 'blowing your dog up'
  4. If you learn to understand your dog properly in terms of size and energy requirements, you'll know just what he needs

What's the least amount of water that should be in a dry dog food?

  1. 6%
  2. 20%
  3. 36%
  4. 50%

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  1. 6% - a dry dog food can have as low as 6% water content
  2. 20% - Could be in a moist food
  3. 36% - could be in a canned dog food
  4. 80% - a canned dog food can be as much as 80% water

How much energy does your dog need?

  1. Depends on how its feeling
  2. Needs to build up for events
  3. Depends on how much energy they use
  4. Depends on the size of dog

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  1. Of course you should take note of how your dog is feeling, but it's not a general rule
  2. Your dog does need to build up for tough challenges, but there should be a general rule
  3. It all depends on how much energy they use
  4. It's so much more than just the size of dog, it's about metabolism, health, age, energy and activity levels

What provides energy in dog food?

  1. Minerals and vitamins
  2. Proteins and sugars
  3. 100% protein
  4. Fat, carbohydrate and protein

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  1. Minerals and vitamins
  2. Proteins and sugars
  3. 100% protein
  4. Fat, carbohydrate and protein

What is protein good for?

  1. Is it good for growth?
  2. Does it provide calcium?
  3. Does it have vitamins?
  4. Does it help digestion?

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  1. Protein is good for growth, muscle, immune system, coat and skin condition
  2. No, but calcium is good for teeth and bones
  3. No, but vitamins are good for energy and vitality
  4. No, a good digestive system is the result of a healthy diet

How do you work out the energy requirements for your dog?

  1. Ask a breeder
  2. Ask a vet
  3. Look on the food label
  4. Start to investigate your dog's fitness, body type and lifestyle

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  1. Your breeder will only be able to generalise about the breed. Each dog is different.
  2. A vet can advise you, but won't know the habits of your dog as well as you do
  3. The food label can only tell you what's inside the pack, not what's going on inside your dog
  4. Work out your dog's size, proportions, coat thickness, life-stage, lifestyle, environment and condition and tell us. Our Nutrition Advsier will give you an indivdual reommendation.

How much water does your dog need to drink?

  1. A 30 kg dog needs 1500 – 1700ml per day
  2. Lactating bitches of 30kg with approx. 8 puppies need 5000 ml (5 litres) per day
  3. Dogs should only have water put out twice a day
  4. Dogs need to eat more than they drink

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  1. True. A 30 kg dog needs 1500 – 1700ml per day. But you can't generalise. Talk to our Nutrition Adviser, she'll give you an individual recommendation for your dog
  2. Lactating bitches of 30kg with approx. 8 puppies need 10,000 ml (5 litres) per day
  3. Dogs should only have water put out twice a day
  4. Dogs need to eat more than they drink

Both 1 and 2 are right. Dogs require regular access to water and they need to drink an equal amount in millilitres (mls) to the amount of calories they consume.

How many of these statements about carbohydrates are true?

  1. Carbohydrates are mainly found in plants 
  2. Dogs don't need lots of carbohydrates
  3. Carbohydrates are necessary for effective reproduction
  4. Puppies need lots of carbohydrates

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  1. Yes, carbohydrates are found in plants from photosythesis
  2. Growing dogs use carbohydrates to produce energy
  3. Carbohydrates are likely to be useful in reproduction
  4. Puppies do not digest raw starch very well

Three of the statements are correct only one is wrong!

Are fats good for dogs?

  1. Fats can be used for energy
  2. Fats can be useful to build hormones and cells
  3. Too much fat can make a dog’s arteries can ‘fur’ like humans
  4. Fat contains twice as much energy as carbohydrate

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  1. Fat actually contains 2.5 times the energy of carbohydrate. So it’s useful for active dogs, but should be managed carefully for more sedentary pets
  2. Fats and oils have both structural and functional roles, so it’s important to provide the right level of fats to optimise nutrition and health
  3. Dogs rely on fat and can use it in their diet in many ways
  4. Fats do provide energy, but it’s important to provide the right level of fats for optimal nutrition and health

How much do you know about minerals for dogs?

  1. Vitamins are only found in plants
  2. You can supply up to 10 x the recommended requirement in supplements
  3. Vitamin D is good for oral hygiene
  4. Vitamins are absorbed by the bloodstream

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  1. Vitamins are found in milk and eggs and other animal products
  2. Correct vitamins are safe
  3. Vitamin C is good for oral hygiene. Vitamins D,K and B strengthen bones and skin
  4. Vitamins are absorbed safely in water and fat

Do feeding needs change when a bitch is feeding puppies?

  1. You shouldn’t feed a lactating bitch more than normal
  2. You need to give extra minerals
  3. You should give a lactating bitch double her normal amount of feed
  4. You need to give lots of extra supplements

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  1. A lactating bitch’s own energy requirements increase, so should her feed intake
  2. She will eat as much as she needs which will contain the extra minerals in balance
  3. A lactating bitch will need to eat more, approximately allow ¼ more of her food allowance for each puppy
  4. Extra supplements will help balance out a lactating bitch's nutritional needs

Is prepared dog food not good for your dog?

  1. Prepared food provides a good choice of safe, convenient, affordable food for the health and support of your dog
  2. You can feed as much as you like with prepared food
  3. Only the cheaper brands
  4. Price is a reflection of quality

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  1. The pet food industry have a policy established  in EU law:
    • To only use raw materials from animals which have been inspected and passed fit for human consumption
    • To only use raw materials from animal species which people eat
    • To only use fully traceable ingredients which meet safety criteria at all stages
  2. You need to carefully work out the feeding requirements of your dog
  3. Whatever, the price, make sure the food you give your dog has a good balalnce of vitamins, minerals, fats and proteins
  4. Price is not indicative of quality. At CSJ, we choose to keep our prices low and our quality high

Is complete food all you need to meet a dog’s daily needs (except water)?

  1. Only if it’s used with other food
  2. You need to add supplements
  3. You can give treats with a complete food
  4. Complementary food is the same as complete food

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  1. Complete food contains all the nutrients a dog needs if given in the right measures
  2. You don’t need to add meat or biscuits – a complete food has it all
  3. Yes you can add supplements – but don’t overdo it
  4. Complementary food is designed to be mixed with a combination of other foods like biscuits or meat to make a complete daily feed

Are food allergies are common in dogs?

  1. The incidence of dogs’ allergic reactions to food are pretty low
  2. A food allergy is the same as a food intolerance
  3. A toxic reaction is the same as a medicinal reaction 
  4. A food indiscretion is the same as an allergy

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  1. There are no reported acute anaphylactic conditions in dogs
  2. A food allergy is a reaction showing in a skin or digestion disorder
  3. toxic reaction can come from a food poison eg. Onion or from mould. A pharmalogical reaction is from natural or added chemicals – like methylxanthines in chocolate
  4. A food indiscretion comes from over-eating or eating unnatural food or rubbish. eating unusual items

Do herbs really have healing properties?

Clinical studies are increasing that show the powerful healing properties of herbs

  1. Modern herbs fit with a natural diet
  2. A single herb can only help one condition
  3. Small amounts of herbs are normal in your odg's food
  4. Natural herbs are too strong

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  1. Many modern drugs are derived from plants eg. Willow and aspirin
  2. Incorrect. Herbs don’t have a single action. They offer a balance of multiple benefits
  3. Small amounts of herbs are normal culinary/dietary components and generally safe
  4. It’s better to use the whole, natural herb as it is simple and not processed

How do I work out how much to feed my dog?

  1. The bigger the dog, the bigger the portion
  2. You need to weigh your dog to work out the food portions
  3. It depends on the age of the dog
  4. It's about the dog shape, size and energy requirements

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  1. In general, the bigger the dog the more energy required in total, but because of the huge size variation in dog breeds, the energy requirement do not always match the size of your dogs
  2. It's not just weight, it's about the dog's build, coat thickness and the proportion of leg length to torso mass. All these factors impact on your dog's energy requirements.
  3. Age is another important factor - but not everything. You do need to take into account the life-stage of your dog. As per each kg of body weight, there are differences between puppies, growing dogs, adults and seniors.
  4. When working out how much to feed your dog, you need to think about: 
    • Size of your dog
    • Build of your dog
    • Coat thickness
    • Proportion of leg length to torso mass 
    • Age and life-stage 
    • Lifestyle, frequency and intensity of exercise 
    • Temperamanet
    • Environment, living outside or in a centrally heated house. Tropics versus UK
    • Body condition of the dog - overweight or lean 

    For a dog to eat to satisfy its energy needs, all other nutrients needs to be in proportion to the energy intake.