Books & Videos

Get the Most from your Dog with these Books and Videos

This selection of books and videos will help you get the most from your dog.

Ultimate Contacts

'Ultimate Contacts' by Toni Dawkins and Stuart Harmes is the ultimate guide to Contact Training.


Book - 'One Man's Way...the interviews' by Austin Bennett

Austin Bennett is well known in sheepdog circles for his writings on sheepdogs and their handlers so the publication of ‘One Man’s Way’ is particularly welcome.


Book - 'A Way of Life' by H. Glyn Jones

Sheepdog training book written by my father, H.Glyn Jones with Barbara C. Collins. This is regarded internationally as the sheepdog training 'bible' and has now been translated into 5 languages.


DVD - 'Come Bye! And Away!' by H. Glyn Jones

The first of his three DVDs. Still as popular today as when it was first produced in 1991. It concentrates on the early stages of sheepdog training - focusing on that crucial moment when a young dog is first let loose with sheep.


DVD - 'That'll Do!' by H. Glyn Jones

The second sheepdog training DVD by my father, H.Glyn Jones, 'That'll Do!' deals with widening the sheepdog's experience.


DVD - 'Take Time!' by H. Glyn Jones

DVD number three, 'Take Time!' is very different. Glyn takes two lady handlers - one a full time shepherdess and the other a keen hobby trialist - and puts them through their paces!


The International Sheep Dog Society's Brace Champions Vol. 1

The 'Sheepdog Shorts' is a collection of useful series of interesting and useful books, each devoted to an aspect of sheepdogs and shepherding.


'Great Dog Shame about the Handler' by Greg Derrett

This second video/DVD on Agility Training by Greg Derrett is the follow up to the exceptionally successful video "Agility Foundation Training".


The International Sheep Dog Society's Brace Champions Vol. 2

The International Sheep Dog Society's Brace Champions Vol. 2.


The International Sheep Dog Society's Brace Champions Vol. 3

Dedicated to all working sheepdogs who give so much and demand so little.


The Etrick Shepherd James Hogg

Come my auld, towzy trusty friend Waur gaurs ye look sae douth an' wae


The Great ISDS Sheepdog Handlers - Adam Telfer & Family

Adam Telfer with his most famous dog, Old Hemp and Brigg Moss.


Sheep Bells

Notes from a bygone era.
