Dog Sports - Rally

In April 2016, we were proud to sponsor the Kennel Club Rally, where our sponsored handler, Kate Nicholas competed

Rally is the newest dog sport to be recognised by the Kennel Club.  Fun and you can get involved at any level to train and compete.

CSJ & Rally

About Rally

Rally involves you and your dog working as a team to navigate a course with numbered signs indicating different exercises to perform. An 'obedience exercise obstacle course' with simple exercises.

The course is set by the judge or trainer and has no pause between exercises. You and your dog work briskly through the course without any direction from the judge. You are encouraged to talk to and praise your dog during the performance. Any dog can get involved. Your dog doesn’t have to be a pedigree dog to compete, but it must be registered with the Kennel Club on either the Breed Register or the Activity Register.

If you'd like to know more about Rally, look for local dog training classes. Find out more about Rally events[MU1] 

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